Everyone Wants100%

EW100 Takes the 305!

Everyone W Season 1 Episode 10

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It's episode 10!!!! And on this episode we are taking over the 305! That's right Everyone Wants 100% is in Ft Lauderdale! We sat down with wonderful stylist, Chyna of @DopeHairOnly and discussed all things respect, transitioning from behind the chair, stalker clients, adapting to the new norms in marketing your salon and more! Annnnd we celebrated Chyna's of Dope Hair Only and our very own Jaleesa's birthday! This one dropped gems, gave the real and was so much fun!

Loved Chyna or live in or will be in the Ft Lauderdale area? Check her out on Instagram @dopehaironly.

Thought this week's Tangled Tale was insane? Us too! We found that one over at @officialrawreviews on instagram and shout out to them because those stories wooo chile!  Check out one of the full videos here

Hey, welcome to everyone wants a hundred percent. I'm Shawanda and I'm Julissa and we are in the 305 down in Florida. Yeah, yes. And the dirty, dirty. Yes. So we have a guest this episode, as you guys can see the ones who are watching on YouTube. And I just want you to introduce yourself. Hi, everybody. My name is Chyna, owner of Dope Hair Only. But those of you who don't know who 305 is Well, well, I'm They listen to the Down South songs. They should know. I didn't know what 305 was. Really? You know what Aw, man. What's his name? What's his name? Trick Daddy. No, the other Spanish one. Pitbull. Oh. Mr. 305. I used to be like, what are you talking about? Wow. So you didn't realize the correlation. I don't know about Trick Daddy. I don't, I don't know about no Pitbull. Yeah, Trick Daddy would say it too, though. He said it too? Yeah, see. Him and Trina. Very oblivious. Just repeating what I heard. Yeah. Not really making it make sense. Well, we are in Florida. Florida. So we are here and we are talking to Chyna. And we just want to get some feedback and do what we do on the show. Yes. Well, let's get it going. I know that's right. How long you been a hairstylist? Um, officially, like, since 2015. Oh, okay. But, like, playing around in high school. Yeah. Okay, so you've been doing this since high school. And how did you become a salon owner? Well, I used to own a suite. What I did was during the pandemic, I pulled away from owning the suite. Oh, okay. Everything shut down. So I get it. Yeah. Expenses. Did you feel like? That was your way. Like did you feel good in that moment to do that? To own a salon suite? Mm-Hmm. No. To pull away from it? Um, no, because everything shut down. Like I, no, for me, it was like giving up on my business. Okay. Mm-Hmm. I took pride in owning the salon suite. Oh, okay. Yeah. That, that was my baby. Oh, okay. I could relate because I owned two salons at that moment and I had to close one down. But for me, somewhat of it was like a relief. I was like, whoo, yeah, overhead and just the business and, just having so much responsibility for one person is a lot in the salon suite. It's kind of different though. Really? See, this is a whole new perspective. Now, guys, like you pay your rent and everything is, I mean, what? It depends on who owns it because I'm to be somewhere pretty good. They'd like to take care of their employees. I should say, Okay. What the people who rent. Yeah. I mean, you have 24 hour access. You got everything is pretty much covered for you. Have you seen get everything is covered. You just pay your rent and you just come in and you do what you do. Yeah. Okay. Do they help you with managing your schedule at all? Um, it depends on where you go, but for the most part, no, you pay your money for the space, and that's it. And that's it. And that's it. Okay. Because you're still your own boss. Yeah, because I was thinking that to myself. I was saying, you know, when I think of salon suite owners and people who rent their chairs, I think of a one woman, one man show. Like, you're literally doing everything. The only thing you're paying for is the space. You, yourself, are creating the ambiance. You're doing the marketing. You're doing the work. You're doing everything. And you don't have any staff as well. No. So certain salon suites, you can have up to, I believe, like three. Okay, people working in your suite? Yeah, so you can rent it how you want to, to be honest. So you can rent out the chairs in there? So if you go somewhere where, like, the price is pretty reasonable, then you can make it your own little business and say, Hey, well, I have two chairs for rent. And nine times out of ten, I can cover your overall salon. Is that something that you consider doing? No. Why not? So, with the type of clients that I have, I realize that a lot of them don't really like the salon vibe. Whereas I grew up in a salon vibe, but a lot of them like to, actually lock in and you know, I like that one on one intimacy. Interesting. So we were talking about that the last episode, how, um, you know, a lot of people, it's, it's, it's like half and half. A lot of people feel like, you know, they miss the salon culture. They miss being in the salon with multiple people to hear the tea, to talk, to see exactly what's going on. A lot of people are complaining that they miss that. And they're not getting that because everyone's, everyone's in suites now. So it's just you and a stylist. So everyone as in like what age group because I mean, we in a time now where social media and social media, you got the tick tock, which is usually the younger crowd. I mean, it's mixed. It's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. But then you got the, what is it? The tick tock, the, the reels, et cetera. And a lot of those people that's, you know, into that or the individuals that's into it. They really don't know much about the salon. I think it depends on your age group. So I do thinking back at the video and listening to what the stylist had to say. Now that I think about it, they all were in a higher age group. Yeah. Yeah. Because they're used to the culture from back in the day. Whereas now it's different because. The younger, the younger ones are coming up doing it and they're just being separate. But do you feel like they're creating, I feel it's given they're creating their own space and their own lane and their own situation. Right, because they want to be their own boss. Yeah. So in order to be your own boss, you have to be in your own space. Interesting. It's giving trailblazers. Yeah. Well, they are the trailblazers now of the industry, but it's a lot of combat because they're not actually taking any of the salon etiquette with them? Like they're not learning it at all. So they don't know that that exists and that is the way to run a business, a salon business. They're just doing it from a place of knowledge. I'm making money. Yeah. And I'm making money. Not even knowledge. A lot of salon suites don't even have like. Wash bowls. I know. I know. And at first I thought that was because they didn't want to do the wash. I learned that that's not why they don't know how to do the wash. Exactly. Wait, there was no hesitation. Exactly. I mean, if you think about it, right. So, so for example, normally that would be included in your service. You get a braid, um, sewing, et cetera is included. Now it's an upcharge. Yes. I mean, I started, I mean, I had, I had to get in where I fit in. So definitely it would be an upcharge and people pay for that. Oh, this luxury experience versus back in the day. You come girl. Let me take you down, wash you. But I have something to say about that because I always have my views on how that was created and started just based off of my personal experience, because I do come from the era where everything was included. You had to wash, you had to braid, blow dry. For one price. But what started happening for me was a lot of people would call and clients would call potential clients and they would ask if it was okay. If I come with my hair washed and blow dried, can it be a different price? If I come with the conditioner in my hair, can it be a different price? No, I was the girl that was me. I was calling, it started to become a trend in asking how they can break down the price point so that way they can get a cheaper service. So you break down. So we did. Yeah, right. And it's called a la carte service. So everybody has the option to, and I like to make it customer friendly. Yeah. I like to tell them that you have the opportunity to build your budget so you can spend exactly what you would like to spend. You don't have to spend over. You don't have to spend less. You know what you're getting yourself into because you only want to install and you just want to get you, you want to wash and blow dry your hair at home. It's perfectly fine. You're just going to pay this price. Yeah. But obviously you're in the 305, so maybe things just change a little differently. I mean, for the most part, everybody shows up with their hair already washed and ready to go. And this has been a thing. It's been okay, show up. But at the same time, I mean, if you're coming from, you know, you've been doing it since example, high school, younger age, you grew up in the environment. You already know. All right, girl, listen, let me wash your hair. Yes, because we know we got to work. You have some product in this. We, you know, we need a clean head, but not everybody does. So you're coming from a Senate, you know, sanitary place, like in school, you learn that, you know, We have to work with clean hair, like to do, to do the opposite. It's definitely going against state board and plus the longevity of the hairstyle to depend on whatever style they get. Yes, that is too. And I feel like a lot of clients are educated with that. Well, well, that's how we're going to get into our segment and our show, and we're going to say, like, um, About our etiquette? Yes, um, this is the first segment where we talk about Salon Etiquette 101, and we talk to the people about the things, the do's and the don'ts in the industry. So, I wanted to know, for you, just being in Florida and having been in this profession for so many years, what do you think is number one for you in Salon Etiquette? Respect. Mmm, I've never heard of it. Wait, that was podcast. We were podcasting just now. No, but you know, we talk to different people. So everyone has a different, um, They have a different answer. Everyone's answers is different. And we have yet to hear respect. I got a text 1. 30 this morning about, About for my client for tomorrow. See? 1. 30 in the a. m.? In the a. m.? What is the respect? Respect. Boundaries. It's well, too. But, isn't that something that you set for your business? They don't care. Hmm. I beg to differ. Yeah, I have to say. The reason I say they don't care is because I think it really depends. Maybe it's me. I mean, I create an environment where everybody's comfortable. Yeah, you don't ever like just sit in my chair and it's all right, let me get you done. And that's it. Homies in this moment. You my girl, whatever it is, release it. You know, I mean, I don't necessarily say that, but the vibe just, we just automatically connect like that. Yeah, but Did he text you whatever time you want to and then that makes you obviously not happy in that moment. Do you communicate that? Depending on who it is. Oh like Last night. I hit it with listen now, you know better What you wait you told her yeah, but see this is somebody that I know, right? Right. Yeah, so you guys have a relationship kind of sort of okay, but you built that from the salon. Yeah, okay I get it, but I do think it is the stylist responsibility to set that tone. Because I remember that was a big issue for me in my career. Like I was like very serious. Like I had my business hours. I didn't like to text after, but like you said, some of them don't get it and they don't care. So they would do it anyway. So I remember when I opened my salon, I was just so excited. I was like, I'm changing my number. This is where you're going to find me. This number right here. This, this business line and turn it off at a certain time. No, no, the business line. You can change her personal number because I was working from a space of being an independent stylist. So that's how we communicate and make appointments. But I was like, you know, because it becomes a lot. Cause where, where's the respect like you said for you and what you got going on? Have you laid up with your boo? Yeah. And then he want to know who texted you at 1. 30 in the morning. It's a whole, it's a whole drama. Just because she wanted to listen. She want her hair done. Right. Oh, not, oh, she want her hair done. She was making the appointment. I'm thinking confirmation. Like, hey girl, remember me? No, she, she was trying to Yeah, she's trying to book an appointment, but here's the kicker. I said, um, she knows it's my birthday. Oh, man. So that's the first thing that came to my thought. Like not even a happy birthday text is after midnight. Right. I mean, I mean, that has nothing to do with it. I get it. It has everything to do with it. I need to be nice. You know what I mean? She would have got a Friday appointment next week. Friday. Right at the six. Right. That would have been my availability and I'm up charging you. So do you show the respect that you like expect from your clients? I always. You always do, but they're not leading. They're not following suit in some of them. Some people. Does that shift the way that you feel or think in your business? Girls? Yeah. To be honest, I actually walked away from the chair like for a year and some change because it just became too heavy. I was booming, like booming, you know, and even though it's money at some point, it's like, all right, the money don't even matter anymore. I'm tired. I have to deal with your personality. Yeah. And your personality and you're being rude. I have a full week of, for whatever reason, like. No car, no shows and you've been coming to me for years, so you know us, you know, so yeah, I pulled away. Speaking of, you have to deal with different personalities. You have to be around different people, how do you feel about when your clients come and you finish their hair and they look amazing and you're like, Hey, let me take a picture. Yeah. Where do you go with that? And they say, no, I've never had anybody tell me, no, actually I've, I've actually like not whip out the phone and I've had somebody say, girl, I'm ready for my picture. Put me on your, and I would say the reason why I had, I had a point where I was, you know, I was popular. Like I had a couple of, you know, post go viral. I don't have a large following, but if one go viral, it's like, all right, for whatever reason, the mind is, well, I need to go to her. I need to go to her. So I've had people wait or. Go in the bathroom and fix up just to get for the picture five minutes of fame Yeah, I want to mine so good because to be honest, even though I feel like I have quality work But there were times where I kind of doubted myself a little bit Yeah, so when this person is all excited happy and they want to take a picture and be like featured on the page I'm like, okay Well, even as as experienced you as you are in your career, do you still have those moments where you like not sure Yeah, okay. Really? Yeah. Oh, wow. What about you, Sha? Do you get any pushback when you ask clients to take pictures, or? Well, I get pushback. Yes, I do. I do. So, sometimes I have to, I know, I make sure we ask our clients prior, because just to put the camera in your face, you don't know, How anyone feels so we always have to make sure that they're okay with it and sometimes they say no a lot of times They say no, they say no, but I recently started feeling upset about it. I'm like, hmm. Well, how did you get in my chair? So I start asking the questions like well, how did why did you end up here? And they like well, I seen a video on Instagram Yeah So we're, you know, taking yours, right? Obviously we like to see everyone wants to see, they want to know the process. So let me, let me record it. But client perspective, if you weren't my stylist, I probably wouldn't take pictures. Oh, cause I don't want, you know, they cheat on me. No, no. I'm saying if you were not my stylist, because I know you and we have a relationship, but if you were not my stylist and I was just like going to somebody, or even if. If it wasn't you, I wasn't taking pictures, period. I don't like taking, um Photos, like I'm not a photo girl. I don't want to be on your page. I don't want to live on your page. I don't even want to live on my page. So it's not about like, um, right. Hence Mike B and not on camera. So it's not even really about not loving your work or anything like that. It's just like, I'm not the camera girl. I get it. Everyone's not good in front of camera. I sometimes struggle with being in front of the camera. So I can understand when they say no, because I don't. I don't want you to be uncomfortable. And if you don't feel good, then ain't going to translate anyway. Throw the whole video away. I started cheating a little bit. What do you mean? Like, because I mean, everybody wants to look like the filtered girl. I have this little app that I pay for. And I, I mean, I had a lady come. Put the gem sound. No lash, no nothing and she, like, I did my thing and I just wanted to get at least if they hear itself, you know, at the locks that I did. And I just sold it to her before she even had a chance to say no, my girl isn't, I can give you a whole makeup. What's up? Oh wow. And what I did was I took the pictures. Yeah. I had good lighting. Mm-Hmm. And I said, before I post, I'm gonna send you before and after and let me know what you like. And she's on my page. Oh wow. See, makeup, she trim a couple of them. Does it? So what does the app do? Which I didn't get so the app may hurt up. Listen, we choose with a cheap phone. Lashes. Look at me. Look at me over here. We will talk about the app later on. But she got consent from the client. Do do it because what you don't want is for you to take the picture of the client and you're like, Oh, you're going to look like this. And then I post you looking like a whole other person because now I'm, I'm upset. Yeah. I think someone has experienced that before when they was like. She took my picture and then I didn't look at anything like what she took. And I was like, okay. And I sent it and I sent it to him. Okay. Yeah. It's so many different perspectives for this because other clients feel like when they see a lot of heavy filters or any filtering on any stylist page, they don't want to go to them because they're like, if you're putting a filter on my, on your picture, is your work really good? But then there's other people who are like. Nah, I like yours. Nah, I want to go. I know her work look good. Like, I know she knows what she's doing. And there's also the people like me who don't even know. What you mean? Oh, that can't tell. I don't even know. Here's the thing though, there's a difference between taking a picture with a filter already added versus you going to a photographer and he pulling your midsection and he, so that's basically what I'm doing because I take it raw image like with my camera. Got it. I don't use a filter. filter to take the picture. You know what I mean? And then you're doing a retouch. Yeah, I basically control. I mean, but how long does that take? It don't take long. Okay. All right. Because now you're a hairstylist, videographer, producer, again, make a show, right? One woman band. Okay. Well, restock inventory, all that good stuff. And that's why the price is up now, right? And it seems like, I feel like sometimes clients can be a little bit insensitive when it comes to that in our second segment, Tangled Tales, we discuss the trending topics that's on, social media, crazy reviews. And this one that she's talking about is the, Atlanta client came to the salon and she left with her hair not fit. Mike B, tell a story. Hi guys, so this week's Tangled Tales. So yeah, we're detangling the mess. So it was a tick tock video that we're discussing and there was a stylist in Atlanta She went there and got her hair done. She was running late. So she got there. I think it was five minutes. She said it was okay. 10 minutes late. She let her know ahead of time. She said she got in the door and the stylist was very upset. She was like, now you're pushing my entire day back. My entire day is thrown off. This is a mess. Hurry up getting my seat. We, I don't have time. Now you have, you know, X amount of time left for this appointment. So she's already like has an attitude counting down. She says she walked into the. Into the salon and she said is this such and such salon. She said oh, yeah, you didn't see the name on the door Oh, yes, it started Another stylist said that so it started off there, right and then she continued to say that so she sat in the chair She had her hair ready. She didn't have a wig cap. I believe she was getting a wig done And she's like, you don't got no wig cap And she was like, no, I don't have it. You know, I didn't know I was supposed to have it. She was like, well, did you not read my email? Did you not see the email? And she was like, well, I saw the email, but maybe I missed that part. So she was like, well, go get one. So she goes across the street. There's a beauty supply directly across the street, apparently. And so she goes and gets it. She gets the wig cap, she comes back and she's like, now you have it. X amount of time. Like she's just counting down the time. So she proceeds to do her hair. She said she was very aggressive the whole time. She was had to hold her head completely still to a certain angle, like a 45 degree angle. And anytime she moved her head, she said that she would turn her around. She turned around in a chair and was like, if you don't move, if you don't keep your head still, it's not gonna look good. And it's not gonna be on me. So it was very aggressive, the entire, you know, interaction. Finally, she's like, um, the next person is coming in Five minutes. Mm-Hmm. And she said that she kept counting down like, now I got five minutes, now I got three minutes. Now I got two minutes. And what ended up happening is she left with her hair undone. Yeah, it was put in for the most part. Yeah. But it wasn't styled at all. And she was like, bye. The leave out was still leave left out. The leave out was actual and we can like, well show the little clip. I saw the video and I was so confused because when I see the bob undone, I'm thinking in my head, since she left with her hair not done that maybe she put the tracks in. Because the Bob was just cut so terribly. And then I've realized that she actually, the stylist actually cut her hair. So I'm like the audacity for her to be so rude and not that great. And she's very popular, very popular, very popular stylist. She said, um, so I'm just still stuck on the fact that The moment you say to me, you didn't see the name Merzel, I'mma head out because it's given we about to tussle and I don't want that. I don't want that for you. I don't want that for you. She's counting down. She's letting you know, I'm not going to give you the full time that it would normally take to do it. I'mma throw your hair together. Yeah, but my thing is, is, is this. And I get I get it. I get the whole week going to be behind time. You have other people behind me. I get that. But my thing is, is this as a stylist? Why are you not saying I can't take you? Exactly. I read the reschedule. Why are you not saying that to me after 15 minutes after 30 minutes? She still wants to sell. Yeah, that's that's greed. It's not. It is. That's greed. It's because if you cannot give me it's called being a hair stylist in 2024. It's, it's all about the dollar dollar bill. And you call the bank to get a dispute charge. But so that is greed though. Right, that is greed. Um, it's, no, they want to get their money, but Nahusa isn't a greedy way. They just want to make what they make because they're showing up to work. No. Yeah. No, that's greed. She should have just told that girl no. Right. If you know you don't have the time, you know that you're counting down the time. But she doesn't have the time based off of her being late. Understood. So tell me that you can't do my hair instead of giving me a half assed job. Or have a policy set in place, a fee, charge her a fee and reschedule. She still sat in the chair, so. So the client is good. You still sat in the chair because you were under the impression that the stylist would still be able to service you. Correct. But she did tell her earlier on that, hey, I only have 38 minutes to do your hair. As she sat down, now you expect them to do the math and figure out it's going to take you about 15 minutes to braid my hand. And after that, it's going to take you. Don't forget the trip to the beauty supply. Oh, yes, yes, yes, that is well, too. Like I should actually have those things. Okay, so that's what I was gonna say. The client said that there was so many things, so she understood that they're like, she couldn't get her deposit back. She said, I have no problem with that. She understood there was a late fee. She said, I have no problem with that. She, her issue was the attitude of the stylist, not her policy. She continuously was like, I have no problem with policy. Policy is in place to protect you. Fine. I was late. I was wrong. She was okay with that. But to your point, she did say like, okay. Why doesn't she have wig caps if she does wigs all day? I would have paid her the money to buy the wig cap. It's a dollar in the store. She could have charged me five and I would have paid for it. I feel like we're having this conversation but we have this podcast for these reasons. Exactly. Because you're saying it from a place of her working as if she wants to make the client happy, give the client an experience, retain this client. That's coming from a stylist. There's someone who is passionate about the job. She's not that. She's the stylist of 2024 where this is just a job. Give me my money and go on your, go on your way. You know who fault it is? Who fault? I'd like to know. Yeah. The clients, the consumers, she's booked and busy, right, right, right. Because everyone's going to watch this video and they're going to go, that's crazy. And they're going to try to, she got any availability. I'm going to try to find her right. I want to see if I'm going to get the same experience so I can go viral as well too. Like it's, it's so, it's such a world of like, What are y'all doing? Well, have you, how do you handle it? You tell them that you can't service them? Yeah, I don't, I don't take the money. She doesn't. And to be honest, I Cause I've been late a couple times. I, I, I know because I, I realized I had to stand firm. Yes. Because at the end of the day, I mean, I'm waiting on you. I'm tired. Before you came, I was up working early. Yeah. I'm also a mother. You know what I mean? Yes. And I mean, I've had people say, well, I'll pay extra. And in the beginning, me not knowing, you know, what to do. All right. Well, cool. Sweet. That sounds right. Whatever I want. And then I realized, no, but that doesn't get my time back. And then not only that, you're pushing me back. So I love, especially with a new client that's coming after you now, I look bad because I'm late and I can't explain to that person. They don't care. Her, her time is, is valuable as well. You know, so. So, yeah, I've had a girl sit outside and cry, like, beg me. What she said. And I caught my mom. I caught my mom. She begged me to do, but you, you showed up 45 minutes. Wait, what mommy say? I mean, to be honest, I mean, she Caribbean. Okay, you know, she was like, well, you know, if you can just And I said, no mom. And then I gave the example. I said, if they have to go to the doctor, a doctor's appointment, or if they have to go to the mall, the mall opens up at this particular time, close at this particular time, I have to structure my biz. And at the time I'm working out the living room to be honest, you know, but I said, I have to already structure myself that way so I can get my respect. Yeah. Respect is important to me. If not, then everybody going to be late running all over me. And. At the end of the night, I'm tired. Or, you know, you got to do it all over again in 45 minutes. Yeah, like my schedule was like nine to three. And then I'm on mom life because I have to pick up the kid. I'm gonna charge you my son's Oh, yeah. And I started doing that. Okay. Because I mean, the school charged me if I'm late. Yeah. So you're the reason why I'm late. This is a fee and I added extra money on it. I ain't even gonna lie. Oh, you should. You got that tip. I really didn't want to Now I can go get McDonald's. I get it. I didn't want to charge you a fee, but if I'm going to, now I'm gonna, I'm upping it. That's your fee. That's your son's part and this is for you. And I'm letting know, but for the most part, I'm upping it. Yes. Lunch on you. Yes. Well, that's that's that's that's dope. I can see how I've been through the I've been there and I've done that. And so respect, like you said, it goes back to what she first said about etiquette, like building that respect with your clients, because 45 minutes, that's not crazy. That's not being late. That's not, it's giving you, right. And you came with food and didn't bring, didn't even ask me. That was going to be my next question. Did you get some? No, not at all. Like you had time that that listening, you didn't respect my time. No, they was already running late. And you, and you went, and you said, I'm already, I can't be later. Cause that would be me that met Donald's line on me. That fil A or Burger King or one of the minds, you know, you could have just, I don't think they had time for any, Any place had a food delivered, but no, you, you waited. So you don't care about my time and nine times out of 10. I might, I didn't get a tip. You know, so that too, that is very true. So, you know, your client do your client's tip. Well, um, yeah. And the 305. Okay. Yeah. Oh, okay. That's dope. She's a real good. That's right. Well, we are going on to segment three where we'll be talking about standing on business and we are talking about structures, systems and tools you need to make your business successful. So what are some things that you do to be successful in the industry? Minus the filters. To be honest, though, I feel like, um, so different answers like right now, 2024, 2023, um, showing up. People, people nosy. They want to know who is this person and they want to see behind the scenes. So I feel like adapting to the culture of like what's happening now, but not only that though, I also feel like just, um, I, I, I have to write things out. Like I'm a structured person, so I have to map out what my, I like to see what my week is going to look like. Okay. That's so weird. Cause I'm all over the, I mean, I, I like to say organized chaos and because I feel like we're the same sign. We're almost always kind of like aligning. I am not that org. I can't write my mouth, but, but how does that, when it comes to business though? I, I have to map it out. Like I, I have to map it out. I'm on time when it comes to business. Okay. I'm late for everything else, But when it comes to business though, because I'm giving you what I wanna receive, right. Or what I wish, you know, I, it's a passion I could experience. I buy birthday cakes and all if I know your birthday coming. Oh, that's like the small ones though. Beautiful. But like, I try to create an experience for my client. No, that's. And then, so, being in this, being in the time that you're in now, being from the era where, you know, salon chats and things was a thing, and community was a thing, and transitioning to the time now, what is some of the ways, like, in the standing on business, like, you said, what do you do? You said you want to keep up with the times, but, like, in what way? Um, like, for example, well, when I say keep up with the times, I'm referring to, like, what we have to do now to, like, generate revenue. Business and keeping it. Okay, so marketing mainly because that has changed. Before, it was before, I mean, Craigslist. The newspaper ads. Yeah, to be honest. That's all the way back. And then, I don't even think hashtags work anymore. No, they do. I don't know. Because, I mean, you know, remember I took like a year off when I came back. Uh huh. The algorithm was different. Yeah. So what I did was some of my photos that went viral, I said, all right, let me repost it because I took a year off. I don't have a year of content, but let me repost. And what had a lot of likes or on it, it's like 10 or 15, I'm like, where y'all at? Right. You know, and this is people's soul. I just feel like I'm just kind of adapting to what the culture is like right now. Yeah. Well, I feel like a lot of the culture is outsourcing now for you guys. Like a lot of the things that you have to do, if you are a suite owner or if you are an independent worker, it has to be outsourced. You have to have a social media market, a social media manager. You don't have to. If you are booked and busy. You have to because they are the ones who's now taking the time to be on social media to make sure that they're you're posting the right pictures to make sure that they look clean to make sure that the hashtags are working so that you can get those eyes on your page. Yeah, you can't do that. But sometimes they can do both. I believe that they are doing both. You think there's always nobody behind? It's not as successful as it can be. I'll be honest. It's like I took a, um, I started, I used to pay somebody to like make my flyers or promos. And I found a little 10 class on TikTok and I use Canva. I'm a Canva pro right now. I'll make anybody flyer. You know what I mean? So I, and, and I came up with a concept where, all right, well, now that I'm back in the industry, I might have to just start recording myself doing my own hair. And to be honest, that's how I started off. You know, I would just post pictures of my own hair, but I realized you got to be an actress. People knows that they want to be all up in your business. If you just. Yes. Just eating. They want to see what you eating. So I came up with a conclusion that I just have to really put my face on camera and I didn't want to do that. Yes. I liked when people didn't know what I look like. Once in a while I would, I would do like a, um, like a, you know, fun facts about me and I'll get personal. Okay. And you think that's enough? They ain't enough. Isn't it? No. Not anymore because we live in a world where you gotta be, yes, I gotta be in the face. I've seen a stylist literally. I've seen his whole day. I saw when he woke up, he brushed his teeth, he had a little chit chat with his boo in the bathroom, he got dressed, he got out the door in his car, like, I saw his whole day. He didn't know how much that work that is? But this is what he's doing every day. Oh, wow. And then he said, I heard him speaking, he said, you know, I was that person who didn't want to be in front of the camera. But then I saw, like, maybe there's something that could come out of this. And he said he has a So many great big deals now from that. I have to, I have to do it. I don't want to, but I came to the conclusion. It's so much work. Try vlogging, coming to Florida, baby. By the time I got to the airport, I was like, This is, where's my phone? I'm still recording. So listen, that goes back to when I said I like to have a plan. I structure, I write, I write out. Oh, you're intentional about what you're gonna post? Or what you're gonna do? Yeah, I write it out. Got it. Well, look, I'm gonna, you know, Even down to like, like just outside of, you know, where I write down, but this is what I'm going to do. This is how I'm going to do it. Or like we're creating reels and then you got to find trending songs, etc, etc. So what I started to do was I found who was popular in my area because if you outside of my area, I mean it's not going to work, it's not going to work, you know? So find, found who's popular and um, I kind of, I call it like stealing their clients. So what I would do is Poaching! Okay. Poaching. That's a nice way. That's a nice way of. Wait, no, no. What's she about to say? She said kind of stealing their clients. I said poaching. So what I would do is, many times they don't respond, they don't engage with everybody that comment. How much is this? Oh, I like that, etc. Except my page is public. Okay. And you don't want to respond to her. My work is good. So you know what? I'll click on your page and I'll just start liking stuff because you're going to get notification on me. Like your stuff. Now. You're on my page and my price is a couple of dollars cheaper. Yes. I feel like you teaching, you teaching me something, a lot of tips and tricks. If they comment, how much is this style? And then no one says anything. I mean, nine times out of 10, they, they. They want to get it done. Right. Nobody's responding. You too good, but not me. I'm hungry. So come on, let's go. Let me light, light, light, and then you get notified. And then now you're looking at my stuff. You slide on my DM. I was already waiting on you. Right. And this happens. Yeah. Wow. I guess it is because it's, it's trying to, right. I see that. I love that information. Well, I'm definitely going to take some. Pages out of that book! I'm right on Instagram, where you get over here. Oh, she didn't comment. That's what I was doing. It takes time, but I was doing that. Yes, it does. Because I'm hungry. Do you allocate time out of your day for just that part of the business? You got to. Okay. Mine would always be late at night though. Okay, like when you're in bed and you're relaxing. You just lay back and you just, you know, but. That's what I, that's what I did. So has that shifted for you now since you've started back? Cause it's, I feel like since you started back, this may be like a whole new kind of ball game. It's a lot of things that you have to kind of try to figure out. Well, how is this working and how is that working? And the things I was doing before I can't do now because it's not the same time. You got to cut the camera on. Okay, that's the, that's the update for you now and not just take a picture. You got to cut the camera on, um, and press record and then, and then you got to have the lights, it makes a difference. It sounds crazy, but it makes a difference. Um, you got to do some kind of touching up to the picture. Okay. You got to, you know what I mean? And the all white background was cool back in the day. They want to see something colorful. They want to see something. They want, people are looking beyond, you Just the, you know, the whole aesthetic. Yeah. It's a whole place like it's nice and clean. Or I've had people say that when I switched salons and now my, you know, my background is changing, you know? So yeah, all of it matters. All of that stuff matters for sure. I feel like I'm being schooled. I'm just like, you know, just record like literally. Okay. Have you guys seen the lady that Wear one eyelash and chew gum. I did I did to me crazy I don't want you my head doing that but it worked. Yeah, it worked because it gets the people talking attainment Yeah, she found something that works for her. Yeah, so you got to find something that work for you. Go live I hate going live so I don't do it But I realized I really have to cut that camera on before I left. Mm hmm. It was just hashtags Yeah, and I was it and if you search brow red for I pop up dope hair pop up now. That's all I searched other people popping up and I'm scrolling looking for myself. So I realized, all right, I need a trending song. And then I need to just give me a cute little backdrop. And, um, you know what? This sounds crazy and I hate it. I realized the pictures that we get the most likes for the The Hispanics or the light skinned girls. I hated that. I hated that. You opening up a whole different can of worms, girl. That's a whole nother To sound crazy sometimes No, not to sound crazy, but to sound real. Sometimes, like We got the time. Really, like, posting the girl that everybody, like It just, it get me so upset. No, so I've heard that there's a stylist that does not do anybody that she doesn't think looks the part for her photos. What? Yeah, so like she takes fair skinned women only. She wouldn't do your hair. She won't respond to you if you reach out to her and she sees that you don't look like you fit. Who? Girl, there's a whole but that's what works for her. But I mean, I hate it. But the thing about it is that I tried to call it out one time and someone kind of caught it when I posted in my story because I was just that upset. Okay, I'm doing the Cooley locks. I'm banging it out all week. Yes, right. And this girl says, hey, I want this style and shows me, you know, she's selling Cooley locks and I just sent her the most recent picture. I'm like this girl look good, dark skin, beautiful, you know, yeah, and she's like, Well, no, I like this one. And she goes back to like someone else kind of Spanish looking that I did like a month prior. And I'm like, it's the same style. It's the same style. And you look more like the girl that I sent you. Of course. No, no, a lot of people don't see themselves. In other pictures, that happens all the time. They got that a pretty light skin, but, or nothing against a pretty light skin. Yeah, but we spoke about that in our last episode, or we definitely are going to talk about it soon where we talk about just colorism and your hair texture and people looking at you differently because of your hair and sometimes it's associated You have to color your skin. That's crazy. The edges. I want my edges like crazy and you ain't even got no edges. See, so it's not about not seeing herself in the woman, but it's more of what she wants to be seen like. So, for example, when clients come to you and they're like, I want to look like this because I'm that girl. Yes. I'm, I want you to make me look like this and I want the exact same thing. I really don't like, I don't care about what the face look like. I care about the hairstyle. No, not always. Because sometimes they're bringing photos that don't work for them. You know, sometimes I get the clients that's really, really good and they'll bring me a picture of someone. I'll be like, wow, that was spot on. Like you kind of look like her because she found the picture. The picture, the color that suits her, her complexion, her face shape, yeah. All of that matters. Sometimes they're not, they don't look at it that way. They just see it and want it because the girl looks good. She looks pretty. And sometimes I have to let them know. I'll be like, well, she's just really pretty. Like, I've heard you say that. Yeah, but I'm being honest. I mean, not to say it in that way, but like, let's focus on the hair. Yeah, let's focus on what you're really looking at. And I don't think that's anyone taking that. I hope not, but I honestly, I'm just going to be who I am. So it's like, I'm not being rude. Cause I'm, that's never who I am. And I think they feel and recognize that in the way I'm saying it, but I'll be like, girl, she's just pretty. And bring them back to reality. I mean, I mean, I mean, not that you're not attractive, but I mean, look at yourself. In that picture. Just focus on the style. Yes. Yes. Because if it's not the color, if it's not the shape, if you're, if you're showing me something that looks like she just had bed head, you know, sometimes there's a bed head kind of look. It's like, I can't really do that. She just woke up and flipped her head to the side. Like I can't. That's not good. And they want you to recreate it. Yeah. That's expectations though. And we talk about that too. Like having that expectation, not, not everything is for everyone. No, it's not. And it's okay to let them know that's your job. That's the job. I feel like sometimes stylist don't not stylist don't navigate that well. Um, yes, because they don't have the skill of dealing with the people and the clients. So I get that. Yeah. But you've also talked about people skills and just having soft skills and knowing how to speak to people a certain way and yeah Do you think you have that down pat? Yeah. Okay. But I mean, I'll take it there though. Because she's a personable person. I had a girl tell me, well, I'll leave. I said, well, girl, bye. And she stayed with me for a couple of years after that. And we joked, we joked about it, but you're not going to bully you. You're not going to bully me at all. Not because you think I need them. And I needed a guy. I needed that money too. But like, she's, she's, she's, she's You come with your chest No. And you gonna show them your chest, like you can leave, right? I'm five. I'm, I'm only, I'm only five foot. But yeah. But I could bring it, right? So I, I had to, but then again, I feel like, you know, once you stand firm and you gotta know, I'm not, don't play with me. I didn't disrespect you. Don't play with me, don't play. But if you want to take it there, I'll show you. I can take it there. Then I think it kinda makes me respect even more because I didn't come off. So tough love, this is a tough love. Well, do you think that's still professional in a sense? I stepped out of that zone when she came to me, to be honest, because of, I mean, you're in my personal space and you came to me and in front of my child. Don't do that. Okay. Yeah. I have my child around me at the time. So, well, um, I'm just saying, speaking from a business standpoint, like, is there ever a time to go? Cross that line or do you always just have to keep it strictly professional because of The profession and because of you know, like different businesses. I get what you're saying. Mm hmm. Okay, I get what you're saying and I had and and I just Yes, you Yes. Yes. You should. You should. However, comma. Okay. You should or you shouldn't. You should. You should always remain professional. You should always, because that's always my thought process every time. Like I have to remain professional. I have, I am the professional. So I have to control the situation. Yes. But sometimes that is very difficult. It's always a professional way to do it. I'm about to say yes, you can still put it in place. Always a professional way to do it. So that way they're not in that moment feeling attacked or feeling like now she's lost respect because now you stooped down to that level where you're like, well, I'm gonna match this energy. So you always gotta, I always say, when they go low, I go to hell. Nope, that's not what she was going to say. I always have to bring my Michelle Obama on because I'm like, sometimes that's what they want. You know, they want to ruffle your feathers, they want to get that. So that way now we can be on the trend. It depends on the person. Disagree. I disagree. Come in there. Disagree. Nah. I disagree. It's just like any other customer facing job. Like, you are not going to now, um, risk the work or risk the job or, or step out of the professional suit that you have on to match somebody's energy. You always. You can always handle it and that's how you beat up after work, perhaps, because I've had instances where I have remained professional, tried and true throughout the entire experience, and they still kept coming at me. They push even harder, harder. They have to ask them to leave. And I get that I need to go. Not always. Always. I had a girl Get my information, like my personal information and mailed me a postcard to my house. Address to my to my name how I don't know and what I said and here's the thing. I never met her We I canceled her appointment because she was late, but she was she was just that upset. So she mailed a postcard. I got a postcard. It was something about shit. Really? Yeah, that's it to my house. I'm not gonna lie. I was scared because my son is there. And what got me more than anything is my name where you get my government name, right? So don't even use that. And no, she's trying to be right. Yeah, I love that. That's so cool. So you protect yourself by using this name and I think that maybe she was honest I think that was an extreme case and that that gives restraining order or you know, like it gives a little bigger Senses like it's like, you know, you know, that's different Pull up down here like they They text me I'll see you outside yeah Yeah, but again, I think it's a style in way in the way you're delivering, because there's no reason for a back and forth. So what you're saying is like, you didn't stand down. So she's standing up. And then the harder you go, the like, there's a style with what I just stand. No, no, I'm saying because you're going, you're matching her energy. But I'm saying in a case where you're trying to keep a professional, there should be no going back and forth. So I have a question. So you mean to tell me? Yes. When someone is giving you the utmost disrespect, Yes. you're going to continue to remain professional, even though they continue to disrespect you. Yes, until the point that you ask them to get out. Right. And if that's not an option, then what? There's always an option for them to get out. I don't know, I'm confused. Or call in the law or something. Yeah, if you got it. Because not everybody going to leave on their own. Right. If you got to do it, you got to take it. So, this might be where we discuss attracting the clients for you. Correct. Attracting your ideal client. There's no way that I'm going to have a client in my chair that's ready to Look and book. Like, I'm doing that. You don't know that. You don't know that until they give like that. But I do know that. I do know that. I write Spidey Sense. I mean. Okay, no, I know that based off of, well. Cause she got the Spidey Senses so she can figure it out. But you can, you can attest to this. No, I'm saying that because I know you have the Spidey Senses. And no, and I'm saying that. speaking from my business standpoint, like I know the women that are walking into my establishment are not those women because I set the tone, I built the space. I talked to a certain audience when I'm speaking to them, not speaking to everyone. So the people that I'm speaking to are, I feel like they come, there's a little bit of me in there, there's a little bit of, but it's never that client that's ready to fight. Because that's not even me, and like, that's not my spirit, so I'm not attracting that spirit. It took me a while to get, to get My my tribe, you know what I mean, but in the beginning no like everybody was cut I don't get it in the beginning. You're figuring it out her first time coming to me. That's what it was Okay, and you show her who you were and now y'all best friends, right? To do be this up. This is the fourth segment segment where we everyone wants 100 percent so we just want to figure out What is the reality in it for you? Because not everyone is going to get 100%. Not everyone can get 100%, but how can you get close enough to it. When it comes to a lot of your business. When it comes to your business and being an entrepreneur, how do you get 100%? Because the idea, obviously, and you being A sweet owner and having your own business, you clearly want 100%. So how do, First of all, can I ask this question? Do you get 100%? Not always. Right. And I love to ask that because we say it all the time. Okay. We say it like, the mask is not a bad thing, you're never going to get 100%. But I love to always ask guests because I feel like they've been on, they hear the show, they see it, but do you get 100%? Like can you attest to it? Is that something that happens for you? Not always. And remember, I just started. I mean, before, I mean, I would say I earned like I got to a certain level, but it took me a minute to get there where I feel like, all right, I'm here now. But did it feel like 100 percent to you? Like, um, cause where did you ever sacrifice anything? A lot. Yes. Right. A lot. So it's never a hundred percent. No. It's never, you know. Whether it's in your personal life, whether it's in your work. Financially. You're never really gonna get a hundred percent. Because there's gonna be days where I've made all this money, but I took away all this time. Yeah. That I can't get back. Mom life. Right. I've, I've sat here for hours and I've done all of these styles, but I'm sitting at home by myself now. Cause I ain't got no man, cause I can't date, or, or it's been really busy. That's okay. No, it's okay. It's okay. I don't even know. I was going to say, or you've had a really busy month and now you have all this inventory that you have to pay out of your profit and now we're stuck with this. Back here. Yeah. So what are some of the ways that you feel like you could get closer to a hundred percent? Honestly, I'm not, I'm not sure and that's me being on it and I'm coming from a space of like me just getting back in. Yes. To the industry. You know, like as far as before, I mean, I had everything down pat, but again, I didn't have to do what we have to do now. So much. As far as, you know. I mean, it was just take a picture. Boom. There you go. Like, like, like, like, like, you know, and then inventory and already people booking. Like I have bookings a month in advance. I already knew what my inventory was like. I had everything balanced out, structured. Okay. And then I got to a point where I knew the type of clients that were coming. Okay. So it was word of mouth. But now with me, Taking a whole year off and then getting back into it. Like for example, just the other day I was like, man, that's why I don't even want to be back in this industry no more. One particular customer. Yeah. One, one person. And she got to you. Yeah. I mean, I don't know if she know that, but I was just like, of course she doesn't know. So what did you do in that time that you were off? Because I know like, um, it's, it's hairstyling, like, primarily your, your source of income. Like, what did you do to, what were you doing during that time? I mean, Cooley Locks was carrying me for some years, just stripping Cooley Locks. I feel, well, when did that, well, what I was going to ask, what are some of the hairstyles that are trending here in the 305? So, um, I, I own the trademark for Cooley Locks. Oh, that's dope. I didn't do anything with it though. And I'm so mad. Really? Yeah. I beat you up too. I had this whole plan mapped out. I'm going to go to China and I had the money saved up as well. Um, COVID. Okay. COVID, COVID came in. All of that money had to go towards other stuff because my vision was, all right, well, I don't want to be doing here all the time. Yeah. I want to walk into a hair store. How you see Janet Collection on the shelf? Yes. I want to see dope hair only on the shelves, cootie locks on the shelves. I had the model down, everything down pack. I did some sample testing as well, but then life happened and I just, I still own the trademark, but it don't mean nothing. There's another girl that's using the name. So she's using the name and I had, I had got a lawyer to send her. How did that work out? And, um, nothing. I heard that before. Nothing. Yeah. So she continued to use it and she has a much larger. Yeah, audience that I do. Yeah. So I just feel like So what is the purpose of doing these things illegally? You could, you would have to then go into like Suing. Suing the court. Yeah, which is expensive. Right. So we, we, we think that we're doing the right thing and doing the things to protect us. And then you find out at the end. That's very upsetting. I just got that paper, that gold seal. Right. Well, I don't think that, um, Well, I don't think that that should set you back in that, in that space, like the feeling like it was for nothing. It is nothing because it's not. Yeah. And, and I'm pretty sure you do, you know, you know what you're doing, right? So it'd be easy to translate that to the buyer. So you could probably just do it. Anyway, anyway, you know, like instead of seeing it on the shelves in the beauty supply store, because how many Janet collections they got? That's the same exact thing. Yeah, because if all your clients are getting this here and doing this here, you sell it to them, right? I want it on the show. And it can be selling to the people who's walking through the door. I want on the shelves. Like I remember at one point I was traveling to New York. I had clients in New York, California, Atlanta, and each hair store I walked into, there was Janet Collection, Bobby Boss, um, these popular brands. I'm like, I want to be one of them. I get it. I'm in Jamaica and they got Bobby Boss in Jamaica. I should be able to have my brand out there. I don't want to just sell directly to my customers. I know. I want to be able to get it out there. But there's baby steps. Yeah. You got to take the steps to get there. I stopped. I mean, I'm not going to lie. I stopped. I gave up on it for a little bit. I don't like that for you friend, but I did. But I want you to come back. You gave up on your dream! On your passion. That's part of your passion. Yeah. I want you to come back because it's so. Yes. And I was doing hair. Yeah. Doing hair. Getting your. Doing the cootie locks. Getting it shelf. Okay, that's the passion. I was about to say with hair, it was just something that came naturally. I get it. So this is what you feel like is needed for you to not be behind the chair anymore? Yeah, because you want to step from behind the chair. I do, I really do. And you don't want to, you don't want to open the space. You don't want to run a staff. This is what you want. She's on to the next. She's boss. Honestly. That's so dope. Everybody's dream is different, but the quality of the work doesn't change though. Like I still do my thing. It's just, yes, of course. I want to come from, I would, I would say I wouldn't think that, but that is every year, somebody retiring. Every time I turn around, somebody wants to step your ass back behind the chair to do my, my pinker. No, it's next level. We get to a point where I don't want to be a 50 year old stylist. Girl, the arthritis. What's the other one where your hands start cramping up? Like that's real. And then when you have kids, your body is never the same. So we got to start thinking about our exit plan. If you don't work, you don't get paid. Yeah, it's all about it. Yes. And that is hard. That becomes harder. You gotta put your name on something. Y'all saying it's harder, but it's heartbreaking. She's like, I mean, my I need my hair done! What I'mma do? Right, well Word. Look, with these, with these bio booking b bullies! The bio bullies! Yes! YouTube University, everyone became a Everything ain't for everybody. It's not. Like you said. It's not. I cannot do my own hair. I'm not gonna do a quick weave myself. I don't care how many times I've seen it. I don't care how many times it's on TikTok. I'm not doing it. Well, Chyna is going to Get her Product on the shelf. She is. We gonna hold you accountable. Yeah, we gonna hold you accountable. The pressure. For sure. Is getting worse. Because that's what we supposed to do as a community. And you know, your struggle is my struggle. Just like it's the next girl's struggle. The women listening. Everyone can relate. But. I definitely relate. So I think that it would be great for us to definitely hold you accountable and keep in touch up with you in a couple months. We'll have you back. Information on what it is that you need to do next. Yeah, I see you. Get back. Yeah. So tell the people where they can find you. Yeah. Dope her only on Instagram. And that's it. And TikTok. Oh, okay. I'm not really jumping because I like, we know you just got back. You know, you just got back. I'm going to become an actress all over again. And they're going to fall in love with you the way I did. Yep. Cause you do dope hair. You got dope dreams. Only. You got dope dreams and I just want you to continue to follow it. And that's one salon owner or one stylist to the next. Um, because you're black, you're beautiful, you're smart, and we need to. Stick together in a way and support each other in that way so we could get to the next level. Right. And we could get closer to the 100 percent as a unit, as a group. Yeah. So, yeah. I love that. Thank you, Chyna, for coming. Yes, thank you. And happy birthday. Yay! Happy birthday! I know you guys are probably looking like, why she got on this glittery sequins situation? So. It's actually my birthday, as well as Chyna's birthday, so yes! Happy birthday, Aries! So I get to be a unicorn for once! And guess what we about to go do now? Eat! Eat! Eat! And turn up! And turn up! China got to show us around to the hotspots. Yes. And take a nap too. It's a whole Monday night. I'll try. I'll try. I'll try. I'll try. I'll try. I'll try. It's okay. It's giving New York vibes over here. It's okay. It's okay. Cause we in La La Land. Yes. Oh, yes. The vibe is good though. So it's going to work out. All right. Well, thank you guys so much for listening. We appreciate you tuning in and we will See you next week on Everyone Wants 100 percent and don't forget to follow us on Instagram, Tick Tock. Listen, where you get your podcast fix, YouTube and interact with us in the stories because I be seeing y'all, I be seeing y'all. I see you looking with your looking ass, okay? Interact. All right. Thank you guys. Bye. Bye.